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Remote End-Points
ClientShield remote agent conf...

FlashStart's ClientShield configuration in IOs


Click on the certificate (InternetProtection.ovpn) and then on "Share file via...".

Now click on the "OpenVPN" icon and import the profile by clicking on "ADD".

New VPN creation via profile import

Enter a name to identify the VPN profile, for example CloudProtection (or leave the default one).

Then click on "Save password" and enter the "Username" you copied earlier and choose a "Password." Also select "Connect after import." Click "ADD" (top right) to save the changes and connect the VPN.

VPN connection corrected via profile import
vpn data entry

NOTE: If prompted, click "Allow" to accept the OpenVPN conditions.

Use the back button on your smartphone to return to the "PROFILES" menu.

Test the VPN connection by clicking on the VPN name. If everything is working properly you should see "CONNECTED" above the profile name.

Technical proof of VPN connection by testing
testing VPN connection

IMPORTANT: Apple's Policies do not allow automatic VPN reconnection after the device is restarted so you have to restart it manually.

Other ways to ask: » How to configure ClientShield for iOS. » ClientShield configuration for iOS. How to do it.