🔌 Router Guides

Generic guide to enable FlashStart cloud filtering


First check whether your network uses a static or dynamic IP.

To find out this information we recommend contacting your provider. In the case of dynamic public IP you need to do one more step so read point 1 otherwise go directly to point 2 of this guide.

1. Configuration with dynamic public IP

On networks with dynamic public IPs, you must first set the following IPs as the DNS of the device (Router/Firewall) installed on your network: - - Then the Dynamic DNS will need to be configured by setting the following parameters: » Service Provider: "" (click here if you cannot type a custom service) » Username: Enter the previously registered email/user. » Password: Enter your password. At this point if everything has been set up correctly you will be able to see on 'Networks' your public IP and the green dot indicating that the synchronization was successful. Otherwise you can also perform the connection test by clicking on [Device Connection Test].

Finally, move on to step 2 to configure DNS on devices internal to your network.

2. DNS configuration on the internal network

You can filter internal network devices in several ways: » Create rules in the firewall management such that all traffic on port 53 (DNS) is redirected to our IPs. This way, even if we change the DNS on internal devices these devices will continue to be filtered. » Create rules on the firewall to block all traffic on port 53 except to our IPs. » Configure our DNS on the DHCP Server and then distribute them to the different devices on the network, which will be filtered accordingly. » Configure our DNS on the Router/Firewall and set, on the DNS of the internal devices, the IP of the latter (use only this DNS and do not set a secondary one). » If it is not possible to enable a DHCP Server configure our DNS manually on the various devices in the network. » If there is an internal DNS Server (usually a Domain Controller) you can configure our IPs in the DNS settings by going to Forwarding Server. This will allow you to keep the Server's IP as the only DNS on the various devices on your network, thus continuing to resolve the names of devices internal to your network as well.

Other ways to ask: » How to activate Cloud filter. » Cloud filter activation. How to.