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Protection Configuration



Through Geoblocking protection it is possible to block, through certain modes, what is all Internet traffic from specific areas of the world. The flexibility of FlashStart's DNS filtering allows the user various and customized solutions with features that characterize filtering making it convenient and practical.

Geoblocking protection's visual

1. Macrocategory Customization

The filter has macro-zones with cities and areas more specifically inside.

How to block Macrocategories
Blocking Macrocategories

The entire macrocategory can be blocked from allowing any of the cities below to pass through the filter by clicking on the gray "Deny" circle.

2. Category Customization

Ability to extend the group, individually blocking each city at will, thus having more freedom with respect to content.

How to block Categories
Block Categories

In case there are individual items within a macro-area that are blocked and others are not, graphically a green half-circle will be displayed under "Allow" and a red half-circle under "Deny," indicative of a custom category filter.

Ability to extend the group, individually blocking each city at will, thus having more freedom with respect to content.

Other ways to ask: » Geolocation-based protection. » Geographic Restriction by Security.