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Remote End-Points
DoH and DoT Protocol Configura...

DoH and DoT Configuration (cloned)


This page will explain the method of adding a DNS over HTTPS (DoH) network in order to complete a more secure DNS resolution thanks precisely to the HTTPS protocol, further protecting user privacy. By clicking on "Networks," you will have a block where active networks will be listed, as well as other settings. The item needed for DoH configuration is DoH Networks. Within DoH Networks, previously configured DoH networks (if there are any) will be visible, with the option to delete them or copy the DoH URL. Clicking instead on "New Network" will give you the option of creating a new Network.

Adding a new network cofiguration
New Network

Before creating a new network, it is necessary to define whether the network will be created in the profile in which we are at the time of creation or whether we want to install it in a different profile created.

Select your profile
Profile selected

You can choose from several options, the item inherent in this guide is " Connect a DoH / DoT network (DNS over HTTPS / DNS over TLS)".

Network setup and connection to Doh/DoT.
Connection to Doh/DoT

Then select "configure DoH/DoT network ". Confirm this with the green "Continue" button.

DoH/DoT configuration activation via DoT and DoH setting.
DoH/DoT configuration activation

Once done, the system will provide a URL, and going back to the list of DoH and Dot Networks, we will see the new network configured.

Obtaining DoH and DoT addresses and configuration completed
DoH and DoT address

Other ways to ask: » How to configure DoH and DoT. » Configuring DoH and DoT. Let's see how.