First configuration of Cloud Filter
The guide on the first configuration of Internet Protection is about protecting your network and connected devices, providing step by step all the steps you need to take to get to the activation of the FlashStart filter.
If this is the first time you are logging in or, if you have not yet configured a network, a First Configuration Support page will automatically open. Otherwise, you can log in by clicking on the wrench at the top right of the panel and selecting [First Configuration].

From this page you will be able to choose whether to use the wizard, selecting your device from those present or the manual one. If, on the other hand, the device being used is a Push Device see the 'Configuration with Push Device' guide.
At this point, follow one of the two methods:
1. Configuration wizard 2. Manual Configuration
Choose the logo of your device, from those listed on the page, to proceed with configuration. Select the model of your Router/Firewall and proceed.

Then click on the [Start Configuration] button.

The window that appears shows the DNS to be configured on your Router/Firewall, also shown at the bottom left of each Cloud panel page, and the credentials to be used.
PLEASE NOTE: For security reasons only the first character of the password is shown.

In the window, at the bottom, you can choose from three different options, namely:
» [View guide]: Clicking on it will show a guide with the various steps to follow to activate the service on the previously chosen device. » [Skip the test and close]: Making this choice will close the guide and thus complete the configuration procedure, without running the connection and DNS resolution tests. » [Test device connection]: Selecting this option will run a test, lasting a maximum of 90 seconds, that will check whether or not your Router/Firewall has synchronized correctly with our Servers. When finished, if the connection has not been successful, an error message, like the one shown below, will appear on the right. We recommend that in such a case you review the guide or contact us at technical support using the direct links that will appear below the error message.

In case of successful test instead, the following message will appear:

In the page will disappear the button [Device connection test] and it'll appear antoher one called [Open test DNS page].

Clicking on the latter will open a new page and further testing will be done to see if our DNS have been set up correctly.
If it fails, a series of FAQs will appear with solutions to the most frequently encountered problems. It will also be possible to open a support chat or ticket that will be answered as quickly as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: For the test to be successful you must be connected via an internal device to the network on which you wish to activate Cloud Filters.

If the test is successful instead, it will be possible to close the test page. Finally, close the window with the wizard by clicking [Close].
On the initial screen, click on the item [Can't find your device? Switch to manual configuration] to proceed with manual configuration of the service.

Select I have a Static IP if your network has a static public IP otherwise on I have a Dynamic IP. To find out this information you need to contact your provider or proceed as follows: » Check your public IP by accessing, for example, this site » Turn off your Router and turn it back on after a few minutes. » Log back on to and check whether the IP has changed, in which case it is dynamic, or whether it has remained the same, so it is almost certainly static. To be certain, however, it is advisable to contact your provider. Follow, at this point, the directions for the type of Internet connection you have: A. Configuration with static public IP B. Configuration with dynamic public IP
Select the item 'I have a Static IP'. Then click on 'Continue'.

Automatically the public IP of your network will be entered in the Enter your IP field.
PLEASE NOTE: We recommend checking to see if the IP entered is correct by going to Click on [Continue].

This page prompts you to enter the Brand and Model of the Router/Firewall on which you want to activate the FlashStart Filtering in Cloud service. You can usually find this information in the device label, located below the device.
PLEASE NOTE: This information will be used exclusively by us to be able to improve the service , adding new guides. Once you have entered this information click on the orange [Continue] button.

Then clicking on [Run DNS test page] will open a new page and run an additional test to see if the DNS on your network has been set up correctly. If it fails, a series of FAQs will appear with answers to the most frequently encountered issues. You will also be able to open a support chat or ticket that will be answered as quickly as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: For the test to be successful you must be on a device internal to the network on which you want to activate Cloud Filters.

Otherwise, a message like this will appear Congratulations! Your network is now protected by FlashStart Cloud. If so, you can close the test page and the wizard window by clicking [Close].
Select the item I have a Dynamic IP. Then click on [Continue]. This page prompts you to enter the Brand and Model of the Router/Firewall on which the FlashStart Filtering in Cloud service will be activated. You can usually find this information in the device label, located below the device.
PLEASE NOTE: This information will be used exclusively by us to be able to improve the service , adding new guides. Once you have entered this information click on the orange [Continue] button.

The window that appears shows the DNS to be configured on your Router/Firewall, also shown at the bottom left of each Cloud panel page, and the credentials to be used.
PLEASE NOTE: For security reasons only the first character of the password is shown.

In the window, at the bottom, you can choose from three different options, namely:
» [View guide]: Clicking on it will show a guide with the various steps to follow to activate the service on the previously chosen device. » [Skip the test and close]: Making this choice will close the guide and thus complete the configuration procedure, without running the connection and DNS resolution tests. » [Test device connection]: Selecting this option will run a test, lasting a maximum of 90 seconds, that will check whether or not your Router/Firewall has synchronized correctly with our Servers.
When finished, if the connection has not been successful, an error message, like the one shown below, will appear on the right.
We recommend that in such a case you review the guide or contact us at technical support using the direct links that will appear below the error message.

In case of successful test instead, the following message will appear:

In the window, the [Test device connection] button will disappear and the [Click here] item will appear to the right under the caption Congratulations! Your network is connected.

Clicking on the latter will open a new page and further testing will be done to see if our DNS have been set up correctly.
If it fails, a series of FAQs will appear with solutions to the most frequently encountered problems. It will also be possible to open a support chat or ticket that will be answered as quickly as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: For the test to be successful you must be connected via an internal device to the network on which you wish to activate Cloud Filters.

If the test is successful instead, it will be possible to close the test page. Finally, close the window with the wizard by clicking [Close].
Other ways to ask:
» How to approach the first configuration of Internet Protection. » How to approach the first configuration of Internet Protection. Let's see how.