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License management


License management is an extremely important as well as easy part. it is important to have an eye on what account licenses are so that the user always has everything under control through simple steps and tools offered by FlashStart.

1. License Summary

Once entered license from Customer area, a license summary will appear, showing any licensed joint to your account:

» Active Licenses » To Be Activated » Trial Activated » Expired Licenses » Those Renewed

It will also be possible to retrieve important information and details about any license, with the possibility of cancel a dismissed one.

2. Allocation of license

To assign licenses to customers with FlashStart, it is necessary to have a credit (previously bought). You can see your credit on top-right of your Customer Area. Prepaid credit will never expire and you can use it to assign both single and Bulk license to your Customers.

Purchased credit never expires and can be used to assign Single Cloud Licenses or Cloud Bulk licensing to your Clients.

You will also be able to allocate free Trial licenses (maximum 2 per client). Show more about licenses.

Other ways to ask: » How to manage licenses. » License management. How?