☁️ Pro & ProPlus
License management

Product licenses


The Licenses section contains general information on Licenses to Activate, Active Demos, Active Licenses, and Expired Licenses.

1. Licenses to Activate

This section highlights licenses (by FlashStart) that have yet to be activated, and shows respectively: license owner, license type, number of concurrent users, and license duration.

Table of licenses to be activated
Licenses to activate

Clicking on the row itself or on "Show", under the Actions column, will extend the menu revealing additional information, namely: » Product: what type of product the license is associated with. » License Type: The type of license. » Concurrent Users: The number of concurrent users. » Associated PIN: The PIN associated with the license, which will be used to activate it.

Tabular summary of the license to be activated
Summary of licenses

2. Demo or Licenses to Activate

These tables contain information regarding demos and active licenses, namely: » The type of license (demo, single or Bulk), the number of concurrent users. » The expiration date of the license. » The working status of the Filter (green: the FlashStart DNS Filter is working properly, red: the FlashStart DNS Filter is not working, we recommend why to check that the Devices in the network are using our DNS or contact technical support).

The major difference between Demo and License (single or Bulk) is that the former is a 30-day trial license, while the latter is a 12- or 36-month purchased license. Extending the menu as in the example above this time will have: » Product: What type of product the license is associated with. » License Type: Type of license (Reseller or End Customer). » Concurrent Users: the number of concurrent users. » License Expiration: The date on which the license expires. » Registration Date: The date on which the demo was activated. » Associated PIN: The PIN associated with that license.

List and tabular summary of active demos
activate demos

3. Expired Licenses

This last part contains information about expired licenses.The fields are: » The type of license » The number of concurrent users » The date on which it expired

As in the previous examples extending the menu will appear items similar to those described above, providing, therefore, additional information.

Tabular summary of expired licenses
Expired licenses

Other ways to ask: » How to activate demo licenses. » Demo license activation. What to do?