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Protection Configuration

Threat Protection


Through Threat protection it is possible to block, through certain modes, those that are malware-carrying sites, suspicious domains and more. The flexibility of FlashStart allows the user various and customized solutions with features that characterize filtering making it convenient and practical.

Categories of Threat Protection filter
Blocking Threat Protection

1. Macrocategory Customization

The filter has macrocategories with subcategories of hazards more specifically within them.

Broad View of Macrocategories
Table of Macrocategories ofThreat Protection

The entire macrocategory can be locked to not allow any of the categories below it to pass through the filter by clicking on the gray "Always Lock" circle.

Demonstration of blocked threats and not
Function blocking feature

2. Category Customization

Ability to extend the group, individually blocking each category as desired, thus having more freedom with respect to content. In case there are individual items within a macrocategory that are blocked and others are not, graphically a green half-circle under "always allowed" and a red half-circle under "always blocked" will be displayed, indicative of a customized category filter.

How to blocking Malware and threat
Blocking Threat and malware

3. Scheduling Blocks

Ability to schedule blocks and elements, prohibiting access to certain content only within a time slot, fully customizable by the user by selecting start time, end time, and filter repetition.

Scheduling interface of threat protection

Clicking "insert" will apply the filter as desired, and the icon shown from the menu will take the form of a yellow clock in the block scheduling part.

Scheduled blocks visual
Schedule visual

Other ways to ask: » Defense against threats. » Security against threats.