🔌 Router Guides

TP-Link configuration


1. To activate the Cloud filter

If you have not yet registered for the service you can do so by clicking on the following link: Register here. Connect to the control panel by entering the IP address of the TP-Link in the address bar of any Browser. Then log in by entering your credentials. Open the [Network] menu then go to [WAN]. Finally, click on [Advanced]. Enter the following DNS in the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields, respectively: » »

DNS Configuration in TP-Link
DNS Configuration

At this point it is necessary to activate and configure the Dynamic DNS service. Then proceed as follows: » Service Provider: Choose Dyndns as your service. PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary to register for the dyndns service, it will still work since the Filter redirects the request to itself. » Username: Enter your Cloud Filter registration username. » Password: Enter your password, which arrived via email to the address specified during registration. » Domain: Enter a domain name at will. For example, domain. » Enable DNS: Check the Enable DDNS entry. Click the [Login] button to force synchronization and then on [Save] to apply the changes. PLEASE NOTE: Do not worry if an error message like this appears DDNS not launching!!!

At this point you can configure the DHCP Server to automatically assign network parameters, including our DNS, to the various devices. To do this click on the [DHCP] menu and then on [DHCP Settings]. Enable the service and configure it as follows: » Start IP Address: Enter the first IP in the range. » End IP Address: Enter the last IP in the range. » Address Lease Time: Choose the length of time the addresses assigned by DHCP are valid (in seconds). » Default Gateway: Enter the default gateway address of the network. » Default Domain: Enter the domain name of your network, if any. » Primary DNS: Enter as the primary DNS this address » Secondary DNS: Type in as the secondary DNS this address IMPORTANT NOTE: Alternatively, you can set the IP address of the TP-Link as the only DNS.This way the clients will use the DNS set on the router, which is ours. Finally, click [Save] to apply the changes.

 DHCP Server Configuration and Attivation
DHCP Server Configuration

Other ways to ask: » How to configure TP-Link router. » TP-Link router configuration. How to.